Sala and Susi attended German public schools in Berlin. But in 1933, when Susi was seven years old, the Nazi party took over, and Jewish children were no longer allowed at public school. Sala and Susi started to attend a Jewish Day School. In 1936, in 5th Grade, Susi studied math, history, German, writing, Bible, and Hebrew as well as fun things like music, drawing, and needlework. As it became obvious that Germany would not be a place for Jews to have a future, Jewish schools started teaching Jews subjects they would need for emigration. In 6th Grade, Susi started learning English at school.
Photo: Students attend a class at the Goldschmidt Jewish private school in Berlin-Grunewald.
Photo credit: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Julien Bryan Archive, 1937.

5th Grade, Summer Term, Susi Ginsberg Report Card
5th Grade, Winter Term, Susi Ginsberg Report Card
6th Grade, Susi Ginsberg Report Card